Thoughts are magical

3 Self-limiting thoughts that control life achievement

Self-limiting thoughts are powerful thoughts that can determine a lot of outcomes in your life. Your big-picture desires are either achieved or reduced as we go through these 3 self-limiting thoughts.

Success is a formula with many intricate parts that come together to form equations used to solve needs. These intricate parts are formed through a thought process.

Often the reasons behind why we’re not reaching our goals tend to elude us. We’re often too busy with work that we fail to gain a piece of extra knowledge about who we are and why we are where we are.

Sometimes, the idea of examining ourselves never occurs to us, and sometimes it does, but because we are always busy, we end up never having the chance to give it the slightest of thoughts… a high negligence level that goes with a low or no meditation and reflection. In this case, we just live our lives as if we own time.

I know one thing for sure, and it is the fact that ‘the things we don’t know, and even the things that we do know but neglect will always elude us.

The more we give little or no concern to our self-limitations, the more answers to life will elude us. We get answers when our minds are still to meditate.

One limitation that keeps us away from our dreams

The fact is that we are our ‘own limitation, our mindset is. It is within us. We can say that the environment, people, and circumstances sometimes come into effect to affect our ability to achieve our goals. This is true, but it is important we keep in mind that we also have the power to determine and control how much effect those factors can have on us.

Inside our minds are thoughts, those we consciously and unconsciously think of. We think of thousands of things each day, often we reflect on some particular thoughts and sometimes we focus on them. These thoughts make or mere our outcome in life, meaning that our future is dependent on them.

How Self Limitation restricts our big picture through our thoughts

Our individuality is formed and shaped by the thoughts of our minds influenced by emotions.

Our decisions are concluded through our thoughts and emotions, so no matter how we feel, think or behave, our thoughts are always there to act.

Generally, our life outcomes are formed in our daily thoughts which usually begins from childhood. Our big and small picture goals are formed through thoughts. And these thoughts tend to either expand to become bigger or shred to become smaller with time as we try to compare them to the reality of events and also as our emotions come into play often igniting our self-limiting beliefs.

A whole lot of us do not know how powerful our thoughts are, how it can pave ways for plans and actions, and this is because we give little or no relevance to it, so we fail to take advantage of it when we should, living our lives unconsciously without putting it into consideration.

What we do with our minds daily will determine how far we will go in achieving our dreams in life.

If we dedicate our minds to learning new things that will help fast-track our movement in life, our mind in return will attract that which we vigorously focused on, because the more attention and intense focus we give to a thing we desire, the more we become it. It’s tricky how the mind changes us through our thoughts.

Defeating a self-limiting thought

The 3 Self-Limiting thoughts in our big-picture journey

Thoughts are very powerful things, let’s not get it twisted, the things we think in the inside are very powerful in the sense that they tend to find ways to express itself in reality.

We are limited in life by

  1. what we think we desire in the long run (our big picture),
  2. what we think we can do (our capability and ability),
  3. what we think while in the doing process (our reality).

  1. What we think we desire in the long run (our Big Picture)

We are limited by what we think broadly within our minds. The things we think inside our minds are usually more broad than specific in the beginning. This is how we build up a desire, it comes in the form of feelings and thoughts.

So, how big or small our dreams are, are on its own a limitation. Some of us hide from thinking big, we prefer to dream of that easy to achieve kind-of-life which causes us no pain.  This is the difference between the 10% rich and the rest of the population – a secret hidden in how and what we think as our big picture. We consciously or unconsciously keep ourselves within an acceptable range by limiting what we think.

Often, we tend to stop listening to our hearts and instincts because we fear we may never be able to go through the process.

Who wants to go through all that stress?… becomes the question in our minds, and what if we don’t make it?

Now, this sort of thinking tends to cut down our supposed big picture, from a big desire to a small desire which we can comfortably achieve without stress, so we quit before we even begin, we settle in our comfort zones, relaxed.

Our cut down desires and dreams now become the big picture of what we want to achieve in the long run. So, our desires through us become our limitations at this point.

The size of our dreams is an important part of our lifetime achievement or success as measured on earth, but in our thoughts, we’re forced to settle for less as a result of the fear of failure. We don’t want to risk it at all.

So in other to play it safe, we often limit our minds to think of a desire that its size seems easily achievable. We begin to think of what others would say if we failed, we bend towards what the crowd is used to so as to avoid failure, mistakes, and shame, just in case we don’t succeed. We end up doing what the majority (90%) does.

In the end, our big picture still remains our big picture, though limited by our minds is cut down to become small in size. So we visualize a big picture of a small dream and by doing so make our small dream become our big picture. That is to say, we have limited ourselves by ourselves.

  1. What we think we can do (our capability and ability)

Again, we are limited by what we think we can do in reality in terms of our ability or capability. What we think we can do is another limitation that weighs us down after we must have thought of our big picture. It becomes a self-limiting belief when we think that we are incapable of reaching a certain height in our lives.

It happens to a whole lot of us that when we begin to think of what we can do to achieve our big-picture thoughts, we begin to evaluate ourselves, self-doubts set in, our potentials, ability, and capability come into questioning. We begin to create logical reasons why we might not succeed.

We begin to examine ourselves, our background, our past, and present, and we begin to check the probability of our chances of fulfilling that which we desire.

This is a very important stage in our thought process, very critical because it can determine whether we will go further or remain static.

It’s a battle of self against self, a self-evaluation process that can limit our progress if not won. A lot of us give up at this stage.

We all go through this process at one point in our lives and we often dwell long in it especially when our desires tend to seem unbelievable.

If we can come out victories in this battle of self against self, which is a battle of the mind, then we are halfway to our desires or goals.

One of the biggest tasks faced in the human mind at this stage is the problem of the fear of self, a problem of self-disbelief. We want to see our destination from our starting point. We want to be guaranteed of success before we take off. So fear of the unknown side of us sets in as we begin to think that we are not equal to the task.

Our strength is hidden in our minds, and for us to travel far in any life journey, we must summon that inner strength.

If it goes with us from the beginning, then there is a high chance for success, which is why it’s important we undergo and defeat this stage process so that we can begin our journey proper. We have to defeat the self-limiting belief and doubts which are formed from our self-limiting thoughts.

It’s so much about breaking out of the comfort zone and pushing forward even when it seems to us like we might not get to our destination if we begin.

  1. What We Think While In The Doing Process (our reality)

Thoughts are primary, plans are secondary and actions are tertiary but one of the most important and difficult. We can think of a thousand desires we wish for, select a few and plan for one, yet setting out and staying in the process can be a big challenge.

It’s easier for one to desire a thing, easy for one to make out a plan on how to achieve the set desire, but hard for one to carry out the set plan from start to finish if determination and drive are lacking.

Even when we have decided to pursue a big goal, often the strength or fire of our desire to push on becomes a shortcoming to us. We sometimes lack the drive we need to forge ahead

This is the stage where the level of the strength of our desires come into play.

Sometimes starting can be easy to some people, (some persons only visualize a goal and then zoom off without much plan, yes! to them action is easy), but to remain committed to the course to why we began in the first place can pose a challenge to us on the long run.

This becomes a question of who we become in the mind for us to be able to do and keep doing even when it seems like the way is locked.

It’s important to be aware that for us to actually begin, we must be in the right mindset so as to have a chance to continue even after we must have stumbled upon a great obstacle along the process.

At this stage where we are trying to make things work in reality, chances are that we might lose focus of our original ‘why’, we might lose focus of what our reasons for beginning the journey are, we might find it hard to give a clear interpretation of our prior drive.

If we aren’t in the right mindset from the beginning, we might give up when we go halfway because we could get lost, and without any ‘drive’ and ‘why’ as the reasons to why we embarked on the journey, we will find it hard to survive when we stumble upon a tough challenge as our self -limiting thoughts and self-limiting beliefs come into play along the way.

We must be conscious of this stage because it’s the stage where the hard challenge comes in and also where the closest breakthroughs are found. What we think in the doing process is very important to enable us to continue going forward. At this stage, we must work against a self-disbelief, which is a self-limiting thought, and focus on our ‘why’. This way we increase our chances of staying on track as we strive to reach our goals.

Self meditation and inspiration

Our thoughts cut across all limitations in life

If you observe, you will notice that our thoughts cut through all the decisions we make in life. Even in the presence of our emotions, we think and often agree with our emotions before we embark on carrying out a particular task. (sort of happens in a flash)

We might call what we have in mind a purpose, a mission or a target, but because our thoughts cut across all that we do, it should be given a good consideration in life.

Our chance of success and progress in life is limited to our thinking, so we go ahead to achieve only those things we think we can achieve and the others we think we can’t tend to somehow elude us.

The power of our tomorrow’s achievements is hidden in the thoughts in our minds.

But the problem facing a lot of us in life is that we often do not think, we just live life.

So how can we ‘attract to become’ if we don’t give thought to our desires?

We have to expand our awareness to enable us to triumph more in life, and that involves being aware of the power of thoughts and how they can affect our life outcomes.

A Thought Limiting Mentality

A friend once told me that he didn’t want to be rich and another gave me a reason why he didn’t want to have lots of money. I saw reasons with them, their reasons weren’t bad, but those reasons in their thought as to why they wouldn’t want that is their own limitation.

I believe It’s Everyone to himself. They have limited their lives to what they want and unless they change that mentality of thought, they will end up the way they intend to. Their decision isn’t bad; we all make choices in life.

Now with such thoughts, they have limited their minds to what they can be able to achieve by concluding in their hearts what they really want out of life. These thoughts have become their big picture.

That’s the power within self, the power of the mind because the mind utilizes thoughts to achieve its goal. It attracts unto it what it vigorously desires.

Our mentality towards what life should be like for us is dependent on us. We create our own limitations.

Plans begin from thoughts

How we can begin to overcome our self-limiting thoughts

The Success pathway involves thinking, sometimes a lot of thoughts.

To be successful in anything means finding a solution to something, and often solutions come through thinking, yet a lot of us hate to think, we look at thinking as stressful — a waste of time.

The fact remains that we can’t move higher than our thoughts can carry us. The moment we start giving priority to the thoughts in our mind is the moment we begin to see a different us.

Our thought is us and we are our thoughts, and our actions can’t be wiser than it because even our actions are dependent on it.

How deep we think can determine how far we can go if we add plans, continuous action, drive, determination and courage to a process.

We should remember, the one limitation that prevents us from moving ahead and reaching success is ourselves. We must work against such self-limiting thoughts like self-disbelief.

The thoughts that flow through our minds is our limitation. How much deep we are capable of thinking is how much we become if plans and actions are put in and we are limited by this.

We have to be kind to ourselves, expand our awareness by working hard to knock ourselves out of ourselves, and quit being our own limitation. We have to begin to search out the power hidden in our minds, as our mind is ‘us’… a representation of ‘us’ as an entity.

We can start small by taking baby steps, and try to control our minds by controlling what we give thought to. This way, we train the mind through practice to become strong so as to be able to overcome the self-limiting beliefs that come up.

It all depends on what we do. As powerful as the mind is, we can determine its behavior if we want because we own it


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